Posts tagged coaching
My Climate Psychologist Journey

I will share my own experience, partly because as you will go on to learn, we need to check ourselves when climate change really resonates with us and we open up ourselves to truths, dialogues, and actions. Here is a brief explanation of how and why I have committed to helping people process eco-emotions. At some point, there has been an ‘Aha’ or perhaps more probably, an “Oh No!!” moment that has lead you to read this material. Mine is described below. as this is a relatively recent phenomenon for us, one which will bring up different feelings at different stages, it is meant to give context to the fact that we are all navigating our eco-emotions and processing differently. Understanding a validating this will help us be kind to ourselves and support our kids. If you are short for time, scroll on! The practicalities are below. Otherwise, this was the start of feeling resonant fear for our future and the motivation to take action for me:

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